What’s The Social Juice?

I(Jaskaran) started The Social Juice newsletter because of Change. I started working in marketing because I always found change happening within this industry. In my early life, I made huge mistakes because whenever a change occurred. I decided to stick with my past and old beliefs. I was wrong.

Change is good. Change is a call from nature that adapt or die. Marketing changes a lot, most marketers need work life balance too. They can’t keep up with everything, right?

I write this newsletter to help them keep up with that change in Marketing in terms of consumer mindset, Ad Tech and basically everything that matters. Still, I can’t outrun change.

The newsletter touches your inbox every Sunday morning for US readers & Evening for my EU people. Until the very last minute, I have the eye on the market. After that click on “send to everyone”. I restart and start tracking the new changes of the upcoming week.

I don’t wish many changes in the market happen for me to write more spicy newsletter editions. I do wish the right changes happen, then I can be always happy to send an extra newsletter with only good news.


It takes me quite a while to write the newsletter. In number of hours, I would say half of my week goes to this newsletter. And I don’t plan to make the newsletter fully paid. Because what I love is change, I will not have a change of heart and make the newsletter fully paid to take away what matters. That will never happen.

But my paid newsletter helps you even more and shares further insights into Culture, Social Media & Marketing.

+ You get access to the newsletter archive, with that you can go back and use all the data + Reports for your Marketing Projects.

+ You get to join our Discord Channel.

End Message

You can join me on LinkedIn or Instagram where I try to share insights about marketing from my POV. In newsletter, I try to keep my biases away as that endangers an open point of view the reader needs.

If you believe in my cause and work, Share this newsletter with others and make this industry a better space for everyone.

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Marketers are creative people with evidence. Creativity changes, new ideas come. Now, They need proof of what they believe in. This newsletter is about delivering change whether in market or in mind of an individual - Jaskaran Saini

PS: Haven’t subscribed yet? You can do it here: The Social Juice

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Marketing Changes. Message changes. Every Week.


I care about change in marketing and social media culture. That's why I like to spend hours writing about things that matter to marketers. And they serve consumers better with help of my work.